Monday, August 31, 2009
Bentonite Clay Problemo; Arsenic
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Alkaline Grapefruit

A substance in grapefruit just may prove to be the key to reversing acidity that leads to obesity and diabetes,.
The substance, a flavonoid called "naringenin," is a naturally occurring alkaline compound in all citrus fruit, but especially in grapefruit, giving it its characteristic bitter taste.
Naringenin, found naturally in grapefruit, detoxes the liver and causes fat to be released instead of storing it, according to a study by Roberts Research Institute at the University of Western Ontario.
The study used two groups of mice that were fed a typical Western high-fat diet, a diet known to induce symptoms of metabolic syndrome, including obesity and diabetes. One group's diet, however, was treated with the alkaline compound found in grapefruit - naringenin.
The researchers found that the naringenin lowered elevations in tryclycerides and cholesterol, prevented the onset of insulin resistance, and otherwise normalized the metabolism of insulin. Also, the naringenin completely reprogrammed the livers of the mice so that excess fat was released rather than stored.
The "marked obesity that develops in these mice was completely prevented by naringenin," said study leader Murray Huff. "What was unique about the study was that the effects were independent of caloric intake, meaning the mice ate exactly the same amount of food and the same amount of fat. There was no suppression of appetite or decreased food intake, which are often the basis of strategies to reduce weight gain and its metabolic consequences."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dr Simoncini: another look at bicarbonate cancer treatment
So it's not surprising to us that a giant in alternative cancer, Dr Ralph Moss, has taken aim at a few of Dr Simoncini's concepts. And in the interests of balance, here's the link
I couldn't resist sharing this pic.
But.. what a wonderfully evocative 'message' pic this is!
SIGG Bottles: I knew it, I just knew it!

To order yours, go here.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sometimes I just say 'Thank you' to You Tube.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Slimming by Drinking water. yup.
Ken Smith, our New Zealand distributor, had his own weight loss experience with alkaline ionised water and now he wants to tell the world.

A Free lotus Home Sanitizer every month.
I thought about it a bit and it sounded right.
Then they tell you to make sure you are there when they are ready so I'm about to bribe you.
Sign on for my amazing fantastic incredible funny, informative timely... and FREE HealtheMail newsletter now and (if you are an Aussie) you just may win the lotus Home sanitizing system worth AU$250 that we are going to give away every month.
Click here to get it delivered to your inbox every couple of weeks. And yes, all you need to to unsubscribe is click on the 'Unsub' button.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
An Outstanding Opportunity
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Are You on Purpose?

Here's a nice little exercise from a man I deeply respect, Buddhist author jack Cornfield.
It consists of 3 easy steps.
1. List two of your unique personal qualities (My example: enthusiasm and optimism)
2. List one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others (My example: to inspire and empower)
3. Assume the world is perfect right now. What does this world look like? How is everyone interacting with everyone else? What does it feel like? Write your answer as a statement, in the present tense, describing the ultimate condition, the perfect world as you see it and feel it. Remember, a perfect world is a fun place to be.
Your answer:______________________________________
Carbonated Drinks and Pancreatic Cancer.

New research from Karolinska Institute at Stockholm, Sweden, shows that those who drink two or more carbonates drinks

Here's what researcher Susanna Larsson reports:
"The high consumption of sweetened food and drink increases the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a new study from Karolinska Institute. A heavy intake of fizzy drinks, creamed fruit and sugar in coffee are three common ways of increasing the risk.
Pancreatic cancer is a very serious form of cancer that is possibly caused when the pancreas produces heightened levels of insulin as a consequence of upset glucose metabolism. A well-known way of increasing insulin production is to eat a lot of sugar. Scientists have now, for the first time, shown that the consumption of sweetened food and drink affects a person's chances of developing pancreatic cancer.
The study began in 1997 when scientists ran a dietary survey of almost 80,000 healthy women and men. This group was subsequently monitored until June 2005. According to the cancer registry, 131 people from this group had developed cancer of the pancreas.
The researchers have now been able to show that the risk of developing pancreatic cancer is related to the amount of sugar in the diet. Most at risk were those who drank high quantities of fizzy or syrup based (squash) drinks. The group who said that they drank such products twice a day or more ran a 90% higher risk than those who never drank them. People who added sugar to food or drinks (e.g. coffee) at least five times a day ran a 70% greater risk than those who did not. People who ate creamed fruit (a product resembling runny jam) at least once a day also ran a higher risk - they developed the disease 50% more often than those who never ate creamed fruit."
Ian: Mindblowing stats that should change people's lifestyles. but will it? Nah.
Here's the link
Seeing with your Tongue.

A company Wisconsin is developing a device that converts what you would see if you could see (being blind, I'm trying to say) into electrical signals fed to a user's tongue via a special "lollipop". A special electrode panel of the lollipop 'draws' images on the tongue by firing electric pulses on some of the pixels and not others, supposedly producing a feeling similar to a carbonated beverage.
With training, they assume, the blind user will 'see' images'.
Check the video here:
Fiji Water; The General's Choice.

"Obama sips it. Paris Hilton loves it. Mary J. Blige won't sing without it. How did a plastic water bottle, imported from a military dictatorship thousands of miles away, become the epitome of cool?"
And while you are at Mother Jones' website, take a look at how the Fiji Junta enforces brand consciousness. And here I am - silly me - thinking Fiji is still an unspoiled tropical playground. Cross that one off the holiday wishlist!"What followed, in a windowless room at the main police station, felt like a bad cop movie. "Who are you really?" the bespectacled inspector wearing a khaki uniform and a smug grin asked me over and over, as if my passport, press credentials, and stacks of notes about Fiji Water weren't sufficient clues to my identity."
And here's the funny bit. What's Fiji's big one-liner they use to sell their water?
"And remember this—we saved you a trip to Fiji".
Yep, they got that right.
To Eat cake or Not to Eat Cake. That is the question!

So New Scientist reports that just looking at cake can help you slim. Hmm..
Obviously advertisers don't subscribe to this theory, but psychologist Floor Kroese of Utrecht University in the Netherlands believes it does.
See what happened when he put 54 female students to the test here.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Haute Couture Water Filter
Feel Like you're working too long?
Say goodbye to dentists.. and hello to stemcell technicians.
Yes, they've done it! A fully formed replacement tooth from stem cells. And here's the pic to prove it.

In fact it's "the first fully functioning 3D organ derived from stem cells, described in PNAS as "a successful fully functioning tooth replacement in an adult mouse achieved through the transplantation of bioengineered tooth germ into the alveolar bone in the lost tooth region."
The Wall St Journal says;
"Researchers used stem cells to grow a replacement tooth for an adult mouse, the first time scientists have developed a fully functioning three-dimensional organ replacement, according to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers at the Tokyo University of Science created a set of cells that contained genetic instructions to build a tooth, and then implanted this "tooth germ" into the mouse's empty tooth socket. The tooth grew out of the socket and through the gums, as a natural tooth would. Once the engineered tooth matured, after 11 weeks, it had a similar shape, hardness and response to pain or stress as a natural tooth, and worked equally well for chewing. The researchers suggested that using similar techniques in humans could restore function to patients with organ failure."
Now... how can I cancel that appointment with my local fangpuller?
Oh, so I Don't have Alzheimers'. I just have poor vision. Hooray!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Even the Maharishi endorses Alkaline!

"Question: I have the feeling that the state of restful alertness (during TM) is concentrated in the forehead...
Maharishi: Some day in the first week of the course, I think I have said, that the whole brain matter becomes illuminant. Illuminant means nothing remains inactive and nothing remains active.
A state of all the experiencing nerves between talamus and cortex, they are neither active nor passive. Just ready to be either active or passive. In that state of pure consciousness, in that glow...
Question: Can this state of suspension be prolonged indefinite and if so, what is the effect on the brain cells?
Maharishi: Yes, it can be prolonged indefinite. If it is held for very long time, the body will become alkaline. Because, not to decay is the quality of alkaline body. And as long as the individual mind gets to that universal consciousness, the body has to be intact.. In order that it remains intact, it becomes alkaline.
If the body is acidic, more of acid in the system, then the oxygen going in becomes carbon dioxide. If the body is acidic, more carbondioxide is produced. To throw it out, the exhalations become deeper, heavier. When the exhalations become heavier, inhalations become correspondingly heavier also.
So the breath flows heavy when the system is acidic.
Opposite to this, when the acidity becomes less then the breath becomes slow. That is why during meditation the breath becomes slow, the body becomes less acidic, more alkaline.
This is the reason why the body lasts longer for those who meditate, long life. With meditation the blood chemistry changes, becomes less acidic, more alkaline...
...taking into consideration the slowing of the breath during meditation we conclude without even experimenting and without even testing that the system becomes less acidic..."
Taking It Lying Down
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"Miracle Water"

Then think about this: This technology is SOOO close to the very same water coming from your water ioniser and regarded as 'waste' or 'byproduct' water. Yes, they have made it into a form that can be applied to wounds without drying out. But anyone who has witnessed that extraordinary video from japan of an old man being treated with acid watwer from a water ioniser would ahev to agree that it looks and acts very similarly to this 'biotechnology marvel'.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What's new and exciting this week?
And remember, if you'd like to receive regular updates of what exciting on alternative and cutting edge health technologies, you can sign on here.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
You gotta love this guy's family values.