Friday, September 26, 2008

Nicotine and Alkaline Minerals: the link.

Donna Smet and Jason Guerrero have created a prize winning video on how nicotine creates a dependence in humans. It's a wonderful video, but as I was wantching I was amazed to hear that nicotine actually releases alkaline minerals calcium, potassium and sodium by actiavting ion channels. The released minerals initiate an electrical impulse, in turn generating an action potential, which rapidly transmite down the axon towards the reward area of the brain. Here, it stimulates the release of neurotransmitters including the 'happy chemical' dopamine. Of course, this effect doesn't last, leading to a need and dependence on another fag. However what rang my bell was the fact that ionic calciu, potassium and sodium stimulated a feel-good effect in the brain.

This ties in at an entirely different level with the Traditional Chinese Model of
Yin/Yang energy, where the alkaline Yin or feminine energy is typified by feeling of relaxation and safety.

>>Here's the video (click thru to Nicotine Video)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear ian; alkaline minerals and nicotine makes sense,as a smoker and suffer'er from anxiety smoking calms me down to an extent.also sodium bicarbinate or house hold baking soda.Has been used in balancing the ph levels in the body in return producing more oxygen levels.Tho smoking reduces lung functioning i found it ironic that one of the chemicals nicotine in ciggs can help boost those chemicals in the body.Reason stated is that bakeing soda is used in italy in cancer treatment by introduction of more oxygen to the tumor and thus detroying it naturally. Smoking cause's cancer,but it also seems to be a double edged sword,just as anti venom is also produced from the venom that detroys the human body,from a snake bite or any venomous animal; same as vacinations small dose's of the virus are put into the body so it will build an imunity to it.