Monday, April 16, 2007

Regarding 'Healing Cancer with Light"

Tony Isaacs, author of Cancer's Natural Enemy, responded to our article on the research towards healing cancers with light:

"This new form of targeted tumor destroyal may be an improvement over most of the current slash and burn cancer treatment technigues but it is yet another example of modern medicine treating a symptom instead of the underlaying imbalance that caused the symptom.

In the instance of cancer, cancer is not a disease and the tumor or cancerous part of the body is not the problem - it is merely a symptom of an underlying imbalance that has caused our natural first line of defense, our immune system, to be overwhelmed and allow cancer to gain a foothold and multiply.

Treating the symptom by removing or destroying the cancer does nothing to remove the toxins or address the imbalance that may have caused it, nor does it rebuild and boost the immune system to prevent the cancer or other forms of cancer from returning.

Most conventional treatments, including chemo, radiation and surgery leave the immune system and major organs weakened, often help spread the cancer, and pave the way for the return of the cancer or the advent of other forms of cancer and disease.

De-toxing the body, changing to healthy diets and lifestyle and adding proven natural anti-cancer and immune building foods and supplements are far safer, more effective and less expensive than modern medicine."

Tony, I agree! The problem however is awakening ourselves to the simple truth that we all have cancer; we just don't realise it until it shows itself. And yet, what are we to do when a beloved who does not share our faith in alternatives refuses to believe us? It's a painful place to be and one so many of us have experienced. ...Ian

Here's a link to another article about a readily available kitchen essenial that is being used by Dr Tullio Simoncini for cancer remediation. There are no shortages of such article; it's always the 'hard proof' in facts and figures that are hard to find.

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