Friday, April 27, 2007
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Codex in America

At the very same time, I received an email with this in it. Ouch!
"Essential oils, herbs, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, minerals, nutritional supplements, plant enzymes and vitamins are redefined in this proposal as "medicine." Very simply, medicine is under the jurisdiction of the FDA and, by law, only licensed medical doctors may prescribe "medicines." Anybody else who advises, advocates, counsels, distributes, markets, recommends or suggests anybody use "medicine" is practicing medicine without a license. This is a felony in the USA punishable by fines and incarceration.
Aromatherapy, auricular therapy, biofeedback, color therapy, homeopathy, hypnotism, naturopathy, neurotherapy, nutritional consulting, reflexology, sound therapy and wellness consulting (Ian: what is that? Is that me?!?) are among the alternative health modalities being redefined as "Alternative Medicine." This subtle change of vocabulary from "alternative health care" to "alternative medicine" makes all of these industries subject to control by the FDA as medicine. Only
medical doctors would be allowed to provide, prescribe and supervise the delivery of these services. Anybody else who provided any of these services would be practicing medicine without a license and subject to incarceration and fines."
Rain, Rain, Rain. Do your bit and get wet!

Here's a co-operative idea to 'make' rain. You can participate or not, but just think how you'd feel if it rained but you hadn't participated? You'd be left wondering for the rest of your life.
Check it out here
Customer Service: NOT!

We've resisted the trend towards computer-based phone answering. I hate being caught in one of those electronic merry-go-rounds, but this one is...well... beyond!
Check the video here.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Bottled water opposition growing

What is even more amazing is that we supply water health systems that do the same as oil refiners. We take the 'crude' water and unleash its real usable power in the form of acid and alkaline water streams. And the cost per litre? $0.02c!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Goodbye, Men!

Scientists report today on the ability to create sperm from bone marrow cells. Initially performed in men, the technique could potentially be performed in women and lead to a sperm cell made from a woman’s body. You got it right- that cell could then fertilize an egg leading to the first female-female conception in human history.
The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce their own sperm.
But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
A Surfboard with HEADLIGHTS?!?

See it Here
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Now I KNOW that drinking is a violent activity!

Militant winemakers have claimed responsibility for explosions and fires at several supermarkets in southern France, raising concerns of a return to violence in the region.
Minor explosions at supermarkets across Languedoc Roussillon, from the cities of Narbonne to Nimes, may signify the re-start of a campaign by the region's militant winemaker group, Comité d'Action Viticole (CAV).
Many Languedoc winemakers remain heavily in debt as a result of France's recent travails on the world wine market, and fear they will be hit hard by EU plans to rip out 400,000 vines in its upcoming wine reform programme.
No one was injured in the supermarket attacks, although the force of the explosions was enough to blow out windows at some of the retailers.
Police arrested the head of a local wine co-operative, l'Occitane. He was being held in Montpellier on Monday.
Pan Pharmaceuticals Revenge?
Four years is a long time in so many ways. Imagine running a huge business that you have built up over years, with investments made, interest to pay, employess taking out mortgages in good faith... and a government authority descends upon you and tells you to close down immediately and wait four years to have your say.
Then, as we saw, the pet journalists trot out their paid articles on the current affair programs all about the perils of alternative health and suddenly a whole and healthy movement towards self-empowerment through personal health reverts back to dependence on an industrial 'Big Pharma' juggernaut with more power than a small country to convince us that we must kowtow to their slick advertising for remedial solutions rather than preventative.
I thought that justice in Australia was about innocence until proof of guilt, but here's a case of hundreds of small businesses, massive dislocation of an ethical industry, and now, after so many people's lives have been ruined, the TGA is judged to be WRONG!
It isn't just here. In the UK, the equivalent authority has just banned Goji juice because it decided it was a medicine and not a supplement or a juice and is hard at work destroying the homeopathic medicine modality. In the US, the ongoing campaign against alternative health comes with guns. So far they have raided natural healers, vitamin shops and even a church! Here's a good report on what's happening in the USA.
Can it happen here? It has! The only thing we lack is guns.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Light Up for Parkinson's disease

Sometimes research gives VERY strange results.
In families affected by Parkinson's disease, the people who smoked cigarettes and drank a lot of coffee were less likely to develop the disease, say researchers at Duke University Medical Center.
Fast foods: What you see vs. what you get

Ever wondered about why the fast food companies need to make their food look so darn good? Take a look at this reality check!
Dr Shinja and His Amazing Bowels
If you can overcome your reluctance about rectal views, there is some amazing evidence about the effect of alkaline water and diet on colon health.
Click Here
Monday, April 16, 2007
New product: A Really Good Tough Safe Water Bottle!

We've been searching for years to find a good sturdy water bottle that can take the knocks, doesn't break down with repeated use, and that is OK with our 'Live Alkaline Water'. Well, we've found it. And now you can order it here.
Buy one for the whole family and you'll save big on postage.
Regarding 'Healing Cancer with Light"

"This new form of targeted tumor destroyal may be an improvement over most of the current slash and burn cancer treatment technigues but it is yet another example of modern medicine treating a symptom instead of the underlaying imbalance that caused the symptom.
In the instance of cancer, cancer is not a disease and the tumor or cancerous part of the body is not the problem - it is merely a symptom of an underlying imbalance that has caused our natural first line of defense, our immune system, to be overwhelmed and allow cancer to gain a foothold and multiply.
Treating the symptom by removing or destroying the cancer does nothing to remove the toxins or address the imbalance that may have caused it, nor does it rebuild and boost the immune system to prevent the cancer or other forms of cancer from returning.
Most conventional treatments, including chemo, radiation and surgery leave the immune system and major organs weakened, often help spread the cancer, and pave the way for the return of the cancer or the advent of other forms of cancer and disease.
De-toxing the body, changing to healthy diets and lifestyle and adding proven natural anti-cancer and immune building foods and supplements are far safer, more effective and less expensive than modern medicine."
Tony, I agree! The problem however is awakening ourselves to the simple truth that we all have cancer; we just don't realise it until it shows itself. And yet, what are we to do when a beloved who does not share our faith in alternatives refuses to believe us? It's a painful place to be and one so many of us have experienced. ...Ian
Here's a link to another article about a readily available kitchen essenial that is being used by Dr Tullio Simoncini for cancer remediation. There are no shortages of such article; it's always the 'hard proof' in facts and figures that are hard to find.
Meat: To Eat or Not to Eat. That is the question.
Esther the Kiwi
Hi Ian,
So glad to read your positive words about the importance of protein.
The thing that destroys their ability to digest protein is often the lack of HCL in the stomach – often wiped out by eating starch with protein.
If you are in NZ I heartily recommend Esther. Her email is here:
Tai Chi for immunity.

T’ai chi, long recognized for its positive effects on coordination, balance, relaxation and concentration, appears to have an exciting additional benefit: the ability to strengthen the immune system. This is the conclusion of a new study from UCLA, which showed that practicing t’ai chi boosted immunity against shingles to a level comparable to that offered by the vaccine against the virus that causes the nasty, painful rash. The study involved 112 adults aged 59 to 86. Half took t’ai chi classes three times a week for 16 weeks while the other half attended classes on diet, sleep habits and stress management but did no t’ai chi. After 16 weeks, all the participants received a dose of the shingles vaccine, Varivax. By the end of the 25 week study, the t’ai chi group had immunity levels measured at twice that of the other group. The researchers said that their findings have implications for boosting resistance to flu, pneumonia and other infectious diseases. The UCLA study was published in the April 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Omnivore's Dilemma Interview

You may recall I recommended the book 'The Omnivore's Dilemma' some time ago. I was nspired not just by authorMichael Pollan's story of what has happened to food in the US, but also by his wonderful prose. A major theme of his book was the 'industrialisation' of organic food supply in the US. Today the methods used to supply the burgeoning market has seemed to take on many of the wiles and ways of feedlot ethics.
Anyone who has visited the US would also have been indelibly impressed by the megasized "Whole Food" stores. In this discussion Michael Pollan beards the dragon - talks to the managing director of Whole Foods about his direction and ethics. Good stuff! Here
While you are at it, Pollan also talks enthusiastically about Polyface farm, run by a renegade back to basics organic farmer. I took a look at polyface farm's website and it's wonderful. Here's the link. enjoy!
Health Motto du Jour
— Spanish proverb
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Healing Cancer using Light?
Imagine you could treat cancer by taking a pill, then directing a laser light toward the location of the tumor. The growth would dissolve with no chemotherapy, and no harm to healthy tissue.
It might sound futuristic, but a select number of cancer patients already benefit from the method, called photodynamic therapy. An upgrade for the procedure could save thousands more cancer patients from the horrors of chemotherapy.
"It's an approach that I really like," said Karen Brewer, a professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech and lead author of the research on Tuesday at the American Chemical Society annual conference in Chicago. "We stand to make a really major improvement, instead of trying to treat one new kind of tumor or make the patient a little less sick."
More Here
Monday, April 2, 2007
Tell Me You Love Me.. or not
Codex Challenge
"Still waiting to hear what YOU are doing about stopping the codex alimentarius coming to this country in full force. Good you purveyed that great video-it could bear a bit of repeating methinks.
I have for my part correctly conveyed MY WILL to our health minister and am waiting upon her snail mailed response-stay tuned. I believe we should orchestrate a concerted campaign of this sort, Ian, as I said, why is it always up to the yanks? I only emailed the state minister but we could garner numbers to contact and Demand a response from the federal one! Indeed, it behooves us to!
Hoping you do feel as strongly about this as I do because I am happy to join forces to achieve a result and am certain and informed aobut how this can be done. Please can you respond?
Miss M. Crerar"
Miss M, we have been seriously involved in the fight against Codex for some years, supporting national speakers like Eve Hillary, and monetary contributors to the Alliance for Natural Health. We believe Codex will be the death of natural medicine if it is implemented here in the draconian way it has been implemented in Western Germany. We encourage all Australians to keep in touch with this issue 'lest we Forget'. I am of the firm belief that it is part of the plan of the Codex committee to slowly implement the plan in a way that we won't notice untiol it is too late.
Enzo Tells All: the weekly happy story

We often get stories about the ability of water alkalizers to affect inflammation. Here's another one just in.
"For 2 years I had a very painful inflamed bursa in my shoulder. This really limited my mobility and effected my fitness training...
4 weeks after I received my Water Alkalizer I started to notice the difference, now a month later I’m back in the gym - it’s completely gone!"
Enzo S.A.
April Foolish Specials

Join Us

Even now, thousands of systems later, we still get a rush to hear how our work has transformed people's lives.
We have expanded ION LIFE to become the largest distributor of water alkalizers in the world. We have introduced the concept of acid/alkaline balance to Australia. We have created an educational portal where people can make intelligent decisions rather than fear based ones. And yes, we feel good.
The only two things impeding our expansion now is our inability to get our message to the millions of Baby Boomers who really need to hear it and our inability to introduce you, our clients, to the amazing products we have 'in the wings'.
So here's something that may interest you, or someone you know. If you'd like to be a major player in ION LIFE's future, if you'd like to move to Byron Bay and walk the Cape watching the dolphins like we do every morning, if you'd like your future to be meaningful on a daily basis, we're open to talking to you. We need a major partner/investor to take ION LIFE to the next evolutionary step. You'll need skills, passion and dollars. Email me here.