Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Why I am terrified of going to hospital.
Click here
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Amazing, amazing, amazinger! The life of a cell
Prepare to be amazed.
Click here
Incredible Anatomical Art
Click here
Didge for Sleep Health

Yes, it's official! Didge blowing assists sleep patterns, particularly obstructive sleep apnoea! The British Medical Journal reports on the study:
"Regularly playing a didgeridoo reduces daytime sleepiness and snoring in people with moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. In a randomised controlled trial, Puhan and colleagues (p 266) allocated 25 adults with self reported snoring and an apnoea-hypoponea index of 15-30 (episodes per hour) either to didgeridoo lessons and regular practice at home or to a waiting list. After four months the intervention group had less daytime sleepiness and significant improvement in the index score. The collapsibility of the upper airways must have decreased through the "training," say the authors."
Monday, January 29, 2007
Price rise on The Mighty Alphion

It's been coming and we've told you. The Alphion, the world's best water alkalizer's price is going up as at Jan 31. Call us and at least get a deposit down. We're very reasonable people.
Remember, the Jupiter Melody is also far ahead of every other system advertised in user friendliness and it's $200 less than the new Alphion price! We have sold hundreds of them and we know they are great alkaline performers. (Melody illustrated)
Price crash! on ION LIFE's Portable 'Waterman' Water Alkalizer

As you know, we've been selling loads of this little beauty, but the price we were buying them at was, well.. tough. We've changed suppliers and hey, the price is down! not only that? We have a special deal on at the moment for the Alkalizer and three spare filters for less than $100!
Check it and save here
Plastic bottles: Are they safe? In a word? No..
Click here
See Dr Young without going to california
Click to begin video
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Donuts with a 'Buzz'
The amazing thing about this article is that the creator of this dastardly demonic dunkable danger, called Buzz donuts and Buzz bagels, molecular biologist Robert Bohannon, is actually PROUD of his research into artificial flavouring to mask the coffee taste.
Check it out here
Thursday, January 25, 2007
A Little Knee Surgery before Dinner?

Here's a wonderful intercactive site that let's you become your own knee surgeon. Readers with funny tummies over such things - fear not. It's in cartoon form.
Go here
People ARE getting smarter...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The Lurking terror on your Kitchen sink
A team of engineering researchers at the University of Florida found that two minutes of microwaving on full power killed or inactivated more than 99 percent of bacteria, viruses or parasites, as well as spores, on a kitchen sponge.
"People often put their sponges and scrubbers in the dishwasher, but if they really want to decontaminate them and not just clean them, they should use the microwave," said Gabriel Bitton, a professor of environmental engineering who led the study.
Writing in the Journal of Environmental Health, Bitton and colleagues said they soaked sponges and scrubbing pads in raw wastewater containing fecal bacteria such as E. coli, viruses, protozoan parasites and bacterial spores.
Ian: Alternatively, you can do what we do; leave it overnight in antibacterial acid water from our Jupiter Alphion!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Scientists make sense, right? Well....
He scoffs at the claim that acid buildup is a growing threat to public health. Many tumors are, in fact, acidic, he says, but they aren't fueled by coffee or soda or tap water, he says. They make the acid themselves. And, he adds, they aren't going to be deterred by a glass of alkaline water. Nosirree!
So... Mr Gillies.. tumours cause their own acid but drinking alkaline water won't help a system full of tumour-created acid. Is that what you are saying?
And let me get this right.. you are saying that acid buildup isn't a threat to public health? Ever heard of Gout? Arthritis? Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen, Weight gain, obesity and diabetes, Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones, Immune deficiency....
- Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations.
- Hormone concerns.
- Premature aging.
- Osteoporosis; weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs.
- Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup.
- Low energy and chronic fatigue.
- Slow digestion and elimination.
- Yeast/fungal overgrowth.
The World's Happiest man?
Money In guts.

Guess how much people fork out for live bacteria to one company (Danone) in the US per year?
$100,000. There's money in bacteria fortified yoghurt!
Earwax viewer.

Oh yes, I couldn't live without it another day!
Stick it in your ear, and look in the viewer.
No, we are NOT taking orders!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Why I Love Acid water
I've never had healthier hair, thanks to a daily rinse of acid water from my Jupiter water Alkalizer, plus regular 'conditioning' of coconut oil.
Even Cancer Won't Help Some People To Hear.
Yesterday we visited a client in Byron Bay. Dhira has begun 'Feel Good' a wonderful little shop with massage chairs, Bemer mats, Circulation Boosters, Massage chairs and much more. Although she works every day all day, she insists that it's not about the money. It's about service and learning. Her service and her learning. She's a joy to be around.
While I was there relaxing in a massage chair, two long time Byron acquaintances came in. 'John' is 4 years younger than my sixty years, florid and well, fat. A lovely man, he has begun to be shaken in his beliefs about health by the deaths and cancers that have begun happening around him. John asked me what I was up to and I showed him Dhira's Alphion water alkalizer, pouring him, his wife Jenny, partaking of a foot massage, and myself a glass of alkaline antioxidant water.
'Jenny's just got over breast cancer.' said John, 'She's got sore feet 'cos the chemo made her put on weight.'
I looked at Jenny and he was right. Her arms and legs were fluid filled. It was obvious that the chemo had conspired with a basically awful, acidic diet to load her up with extra kilos.
I told them about the power of the water, but it was to no avail. Jenny quaffed her glass and said in a loud voice; 'Nah. rainwater's good enough for me. Anyway, I've always been healthy. I've got good health. Aways have.' My incredulity must have shown because she added, ''Except for the cancer, of course.'
You know, there was a time that this would have depressed me. But after all these years, I have come to the conclusion that everyone is always doing their best. If they aren't able, ready or willing to hear what I believe they need, then it's still all for the best.
My mind used to go mad working out new ways to help people like this, but no, no-one can hear until they are ready to hear. And even cancer won't 'ready' some people for their own enlightenment.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A 'Du-Oh' Moment; or.. the 'Bleeding Obvious'
Ian: Do you mean they really thought something else was causing climate change?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Water More Expensive Than Beer

At one chain, a pint of beer is being sold for US$1.04, with a bottle of Perrier costing US$1.10, the story reported.
Members of Parliament and the pub industry are criticizing the supermarkets for low beer prices, saying they are encouraging binge drinking, a claim that all three chains refuted, according to the article.
In July it was reported that some supermarkets in Scotland were selling beer cheaper than bottled water, with some popular brands of lager beer selling for as little as 40p (about 74 cents) a can or bottle.
Does Industry Funding Influence Medical Studies of Soft drinks? Du-Oh!
You're In Luck!

Learn more here
Eight Days Cold Turkey; Alkaline Food Only
Ready? Head between your Legs, Close Your eyes!


The new technology attaches nanoparticles to clothing fibers using microwaves. Then, chemicals that can repel water, oil and bacteria are directly bound to the nanoparticles. These two elements combine to create a protective coating on the fibers of the material. This coating both kills bacteria, and forces liquids to bead and run off.
The U.S. military spent more than $20 million to develop the fabric, deriving from research originally intended to protect soldiers from biological attack.
Arnie Avocates Health for All

The plan is likely to provoke opposition from a wide range of powerful interests, including doctors, hospitals and insurers, as well as employers and unions, even though it also contains incentives for each of them.
All children, regardless of their immigration status, would be covered through an expansion of the state and federal Healthy Families program.
"I don't think it is a question or a debate if they ought to be covered. ... The federal courts have made that decision - that no one can be turned away," Schwarzenegger said. "The question really isn't to treat them or not to treat them. The question really is how can you treat them in the most cost-effective way."
Footnote: Arnie broke his leg skiing. Who will pay?
Human Growth Hormone. Life Saver or....
But beware: Eager as you might be to purchase youth in a bottle, a new study says there's zero scientific evidence that growth hormones are any more effective at turning back the clock than tap water or snake oil.
Living On Beer
Cancer Fightin' Chickens

Cancer Fightin' Chickens!
The Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh, says it has produced five generations of birds that can produce useful levels of life-saving proteins in egg whites.
The work could lead to a range of drugs that are cheaper and easier to make.
Professor Harry Griffin, director of the institute, told the BBC: "One of the characteristics of lots of medical treatments these days is that they're very expensive.
"The idea of producing the proteins involved in treatments in flocks of laying hens means they can produce in bulk, they can produce cheaply and indeed the raw material for this production system is quite literally chicken feed."
Roslin has bred some 500 modified birds. Their existence is the result of more than 15 years' work by the lead scientist on the project, Dr Helen Sang.
Ah, if only it was this easy to get rid of FAT

Check your Fat... at $1500 a time!
I've never really been portly, but I do try to stay in shape. Still, eating a lot of “good and tasty” food does make my belly flip flap a little sometimes. Accufat, a subcutaneous fat analyzer is a device that will give you pretty scary details on how much fat your body have.
My Cancer Rave, and your strategic plan for health.

So here's how in a couple of lines:
This man understands water!

Here's a look at what I think is an amazing work of water-art. If you love water I know you're going to love this website. I attempted to watch his videos - alas - to no avail.
Go here
The 'Ultimate' Water system

Here's a link to a video I found when cruising the Blogosphere. It's a water machine with more cosmic bells and whistles than the Hogwarts assembly hall.
What really knocked me out was the Star of david. that was the final touch in the ... er.. amazing device - which, by the way, you too can own for just under US$6000. See it here