Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Italian Cure

Spending a few days with an ex-Doctor was a real boost to my alkaline philosophy in many ways, some of which I trust I can share in this article. 'James' has been retired now for a few years and travels the world with Jane, his wife and partner. We've known each other for some years and share a fascination for all things alkaline, simply because we've been been privileged to see how alkalizing actually supports people's return to health. It's also great because I get the doctor's perspective and it very often sheds light on their perspective. 

Let's face it.. doctors are humans too and they get a real 'bum rap' from so many people on the net simply because it'sa easy. They don't react, they don't sue you if you say doctors hate people getting well.. but what about what the doctor says?

Doctors are not the medical establishment, doctors are not pharmaceutical companies. Doctors are not necessarily drug pushers. Doctors are individuals just like you and me.

James is a huge advocate of Italian water. he says that its high alkaline calcium and magnesium levels make it the best water in the world. Indeed, in my own experience the Italians also take their water very seriously, including exporting it all over the world.

A story James told me let me know just how much he believes in the water. He had a neighbour who had, for some unknown reason contracted not one but many 'layers' of unusual health problems. "I had to look some of them up in a book to see what they were!' said gerry. His neighbour was a typical Aussie.. drinking too much beer, smoking, eating processed food and too much of it, with little if any care for consequence. When he approached James he had been getting steadily worse even after a string of specialists had put him through every test imaginable.

I need to say that James is not what I'd call a run of the mill doc. He takes pride in being the best doctor he can be, and uses all the tools he has at his disposal. He told his neighbour in no uncertain terms that as far as he could see he was going to die, and then asked him, quietly and clearly, if he was willing to follow his advice. 

I emphasise 'quietly and clearly' because James told me that one of the most powerful healing tools he uses is 'suggestion' - also known as autosuggestion, sometimes known as hypnosis. His method is simple. Speak very slowly, no more than 3 words at a time, and then with a big gap, then another three. This technique establishes authority and breaks the patient's inner self-monolgue. It is, he says, extremely affective, and he made sure his neighbour saw him as his last appointment of the day so he could spend enough time with him to give him plenty of 'suggestion'.

Of course, he also suggested what he would suggest with any patient; lay off the beer and cigarettes, exercise regularly, rethink your diet.. and drink at least a DOZEN BOTTLES OF SAN PELLEGRINO water a week! "I tell them they should buy a water ionizer, but if they can't, or won't, I tell them to drink San Pellegrino." said James.

The finale to the story is that after being treated by a veritable chorus line of doctors, his neighbour got well with James. Was it the suggestion that allowed James to change the man's mind about his own health? Was it the dietary changes? Was it the exercise? Or was it the San Pellegrino?

He told me this story because we  were discussing miraculous healings. He says that the witnessing of miracles by ordinary doctors is far, far beyond the incredibly low healing instances of places like Lourdes, and he chose to discuss this case as an example of what could have been seen as a 'miracle healing'. He was very firm that these instances really have nothing to do with him, but that they occur far more frequently than most people imagine.

Here in Italy we don't have our own water ionizer and so we do drink San Pellegrino every day. We live only minutes from San Gemini, a spring that was known in Roman times to heal gout and arthritis. It makes me wonder if because Italians have grown up with the belief in the healing properties of their natural waters, they automatically reap the benefits, much as James' 'suggestion' exercise instils a belief in the authority a nd power of the doctor. 

The answer is irrelevant. Alkaline water has a history of healing longer by far than the whole history of allopathic medicine.

So what's it to be? A case of San Pellegrino every week? Or your own alkaline water system, for around $0.02c  a litre? It's a no-brainer wiith a historical pedigree that's hard to beat!

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