Thursday, May 5, 2011

Even the goldfish are happy!

Had a  call from Richard this week about how he is using the 'by-product' acid water from his AlkaWay water ioniser, and how you can get into trouble with the neighbours. Seems Richard has found the acid water excellent to overcome Aphids and Black Spot on his vegies.  So there he was, spraying away with his acid water when his kids decided to be what kids are at times like that, and Richard squirted them with the acid water (VERY good for the skin). All good, except the neighbour saw him do it. 

Now think for a minute. You are the neighbour. You see Richard spraying his vegetables with what you assume is toxic pesticide fungicide or the like.

Suddenly he sprays his kids!

Richard also says his high alkaline water is just the thing for his goldfish. They apparently love it, and the glass in his aquarium doesn't get green mould any longer! Jo, our book keeper, on hearing this, said she was going home to try it with her pet goldies.

Richard, I hope you are right. We may lose the best book keeper we've ever had!

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