Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Cancer to Wellness

Kris Matheson is an AlkaWay water drinker. She's also one dynamic lady who conquered cancer on her own using natural methods. 

I've just finished her book, From Cancer To Wellness, and I'm impressed.

It's not a definitive book.
It's more a chance for a cancer sufferer to access 25 years' worth of knowledge of natural alternatives in one place, in an organised readable form. This is, in my view, something that few people realise its worth. The problem I see over and over and over with cancer sufferers is their inability to find good info. 

David Suzuki called the Internet 'the Information Super-Hypeway' for good reason. It is the world's largest repository of bumpf. Cassie is an excellent health researcher and she agrees. You waste so much time trying to 
(a) find good info and 
(b) work out if it isn't just another sales pitch. 

So reading Kris' book I realised that she is offering cancerians (let's not call them victims) a chance to cut to the chase, to access modalities and natural remedies that Kris has spent the time and effort proving.

This may not make sense to anyone who hasn't found themselves lost in cyberspace, and unfortunately, unless you do lose yourself, you'll have to take my word for it when I say this book is going to save you days, months, even lifetimes.

Just one thing: when Kris wrote this book she had not yet discovered our water. She now has a water ionizer of her own, and that, I guess, is why it isn't mentioned in the book. She does mention alkaline bottled water, but in my experience it's not just a matter of adding alkaline minerals to  water; it's getting that amazing negative charge, converting mineral water to true 'enhanced water' a powerful antioxidant. I have studies on the effect of ionized alkaline water on cancer cells on file, and over my ten years of talking to people in this 'situation', I've come to believe that water that alkalizes AND kills free radicals AND superhydrates is a proverbial gift from God.

We have a few copies from Kris at AlkaWay: if you'd like to get one go here.

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