Thursday, April 1, 2010

Poison in our food

I don't like to talk about this.. but having just returned from Thailand I thought I was coming back to a relatively pesticide-free country. Then I saw the videos.

I am very grateful that there is a consciousness in our country about organic food, but we all know we can't get organics all the time. We all have to avail ourselves of the reliability of supply of our major chains. But these videos rocked me.

My readers would also know that Cassie and I have been 'lotus-ing' our storebought fruit and vegetables for the last two years. it's a simple 3 minute operation but it neutralises pesticides, fungicides etc. with that short process. of course we can't say we are healthier us we are using it.. but the problem with accumulating toxins in the body is that it's like a time bomb that explodes only when the accumulation reaches a level that has a greater power over you than your immune system. And as we age, our immune system weakens... so...

Take a look at this 60 Minutes video brought to us by my friends at Food Matters

After that, you may like to check the lotus sanitizer out here.

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