There are really only 4 alkaline minerals we need be concerned with; magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. Get enough of all of these and you can feel good about future physical health.. which is all well and good as long as your brain still works!
So this is a good news moment about magnesium.
Your mother was right – eating your “greens” (which contain magnesium) is good for you. In fact, according to neuroscientists at MIT and Tsinghua University in Beijing, rats who were fed a new compound that increased their brain magnesium demonstrated enhanced learning abilities, working memory, and short- and long-term memory. The dietary supplement also boosted older rats’ ability to perform a variety of learning tests.
So that's why our new Alkaline Booster is so good, supplying all four of the essentials in one teaspoon dose. Or the AlkaPod, which has magnesium as its primary alkaliser, or any of our water ionizers that concentrate magnesium already in our water and remove nasty acids.. or if you can't get enough leafy greens on a daily basis, our Core Greens concentrated greens powder...
Now here's a little test; what did you just read about? Choose between:
If you answered anything other than magnesium then you need one of these products!
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