Blogger, my Google blog service has become open of late to idiot comments. Along with the good comments from real readers, I get a daily stream of penis enlargement and dud software 'replies'.
But this one really takes the cake.
It came as a link and a message;
"Click here or die!"
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Eat Your Greens. They are better than drugs!

Why do I feel so good when I eat my greens? Because scientists are now discovering (is this a 'Ho Hum' moment?) that ordinary plants offer even better immunity than expensive drugs.
Here's the report
Monday, February 22, 2010
Whewww. Pharmaceuticals in water supplies...
Learn more here
How NOT to demonstrate an AlkaPod.
The wonderful thing about YouTube is that it takes no skill other uploading to get a video on the web. Which makes for some really funny attempts at getting a point across. This lady seriously loses it.. then gets her mojo back by (IMHO) sheer luck!
For the AlkaPod users watching this; note that yes, shaking will assist, but a ten minute 'brew' time, which she didn't allow, is the best for maximum results.
To learn more about the AlkaPod go here.
We used to sell the Waterman but gave up on it due to the quality of the plastic and the leaking problem.
For the AlkaPod users watching this; note that yes, shaking will assist, but a ten minute 'brew' time, which she didn't allow, is the best for maximum results.
To learn more about the AlkaPod go here.
We used to sell the Waterman but gave up on it due to the quality of the plastic and the leaking problem.
Alkaline Water or Alkaline Ionized water.. What's the Diff?
Learn more here
A Blast from the Past
I almost forgot about this video: It's now 4 years old and it's an interview of John Walker, Alkalarian Extraordinary. It's long, but packed with knowledge.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Great Skin Tip

At sixty three with 20 years as a surfer in my distant past, my back is beginning to look like a WW1 battlefield. Keratoses is the official term; little hard bits all over. Not carcinogenic.. yet.
So I'm passing on my local skin specialist's hot tip to 'like bodies' in cyberspace.
1. Find a nice lake with a sandy beach.
2. It has to be fresh water. have a good long soak,
3. then have a friend rub sand all over your back.
4. It will rub off many of the lumps'n'bumps permanently.
Salt water doesn't work. It actually dehydrates thew skin, according to my esteemed physician..
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Principle of Emptiness
A Lovely reminder...
Powerpoint download here
Powerpoint download here
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Kangaroo Courts on Homoeopathy
This video shows where justice has fallen to in the UK. If you are a believer in alternative therapy and feel it has a rightful place in medicine, you'd better watch what is happening in the government/corporate world right now.
Here is the Video.
Here is the Video.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Ionized water use in restaurants: a new chem-free cleansing system
This video shows ionized water being used in NOBU, the Melbourne Japanese Restaurant, and also in Austin Hospital. It says it all.
Are you associated with a business using cleaning products? Would you like to make a change for the better, greener, safer - and more economical?
The technology is awesome. Find out more: click here.
BTW: this is the same technology used in our water ionizers.
Are you associated with a business using cleaning products? Would you like to make a change for the better, greener, safer - and more economical?
The technology is awesome. Find out more: click here.
BTW: this is the same technology used in our water ionizers.
Street Style Nazis
Searching for a parking spot in a back street in Sydney a couple of weeks ago.. and this sign came to my attention. Having had a hard day and feeling a little 'slumpy', I immediately straightened up. The Street Nazis were watching!

Like it? Digg it below and give my five minutes of internet fame.

Like it? Digg it below and give my five minutes of internet fame.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Like, Real, Man...
Check this video out. It's a Jupiter water ionizer being used by the Gratitude Cafe in (why do I assume?) California.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
AlkaPod Scores again

Received today from Alan and Di Creasey:
"Alan was a market at the weekend when a customer approached to thank him for recommending the Alkapod. She had been using another alkalizing product for some time but she was struggling with the cost. We had suggested that the Alkapod was much cheaper. After 2 months with the Alkapod she has managed to stop using HRT which she had been on for 15 years. The ___ _____s have gone.
Regards Di:"
"Just a quick update. I've not felt this good for 15 years! My _____ has almost completely gone and the itching has all but stopped. I can't begin to tell you how the quality of my life has improved! At the same time as the Alkapod arrived, I had started a regimen of various vitamin/dietary supplements. I've stopped them. Over that period, the only constant was my use of the Alkapod - indeed I've found that if I didn't take the 2 litres/day I could notice a difference!! I drink nothing but alkalised water, if I have tea (usually green) or coffee (not many) it's made on alkalised water. We prepare the water by using filtered water (thru a Brita filter) and then into the Alkapod for at least 10 mins - by the microwave timer! My wife nor I can believe the difference there is of being on alkalised water for only 2 months! I've diarised a to-do to give you a follow up in a months time Have a great day _____________ Kind regards Jules B."
and... one sent to Karen, one of our Alkalizing specialist team...
"Hi Karen,
It has been really lovely talking to you on the phone you are so helpful!
I just love my Alkapod and I am starting to feel so much more energetic, something I haven’t felt for a long time with all the illness I have had…..and its only been a few weeks so that’s truly awesome…..doing an alkaline diet to and that is really great…real health changes starting to happen and I am having so much fun doing all this and its all so positive!.
I will be getting a super draw down in July so I will definitely be buying a Delphi that’s for sure… Talk to you soon and once again thank you for all you help with my inquiries.
Note: as usual, we do not publish specific therapeutic claims. hence the blankety blank space.
Learn More
Would You Like Pancreatic Cancer with that?

If you could drop one thing in your life and be assured of 50% less chance of the very painful form of cancer - pancreatic - would you?
Sounds like a good deal, doesn't it?
What's the one thing you need to give up?
Carbonated drinks (sodas)
Here's the report
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Price we are willing to pay to rid ourselves of THAT disease
This article in the NY Times on the side effects of Tamoxifen, used to protect women from breast cancer raises a very interesting point for me. Although the article weighs up the side effects that the drug has with the perceived and proposed protective benefit, it seems to me that the same discussion could be fruitful when looking at our own lives.
In terms of health protection, let's get down and dirty. The plain truth is that the vast majority of us just don't spend money on a FUTURE health problem. 'Lip service' is the best term I can give to encompass our general attitudes. If we are flush with cash, we pay a company to pick up the pieces when we go off the rails, but that's the extent of it. We don't really have an ongoing planned preventative strategy. In one sense, paying into a fund gives us the go-ahead to forget about our lack of a daily health preventative plan.
I was given a taste of this last week. I was asked to present our water alkalizers to a very big media company that sells interesting products to the public. Even though I talked about alkalizing, about the ongoing acidification of the body, the increased immunity and all of the other benefits alkaline ionized water may have to an individual, my contact sat there, stonyfaced.
Eventually he spoke. "How much is the filter when it needs replacing?" I told him. "Too much. Most water filters are much less."
It was only when we concluded the meeting that I got what was happening. I suggested he take our sample unit, drink the water for a month and see the effect it had on his own health.
"I wouldn't do that. I smoke, I drink, and I don't do 'health' things. Maybe my wife might be interested."
Suddenly it dawned on me that this man just couldn't even come close to a personal health evaluation. His lifestyle was so important to him that he had dismissed all future as unimportant. Now, as we all know, many of us do the same. And all of us feel the remorse and the anger when our body finally gives out under the strain of the accumulated neglect.
But really, how could I judge him? That extra glass of wine, that extra handful of nuts, that lazy day with no exercise.. it's all one and the same; a conscious or unconscious decision to ignore the future.
Discussing it with Cassie later, we wondered if we were barking up the wrong tree trying to assist people to create a prevtative health culture in their life. Maybe, Cassie suggested, we should tell people that they can eat more, drink more, couch-surf more... if they just alkalise. After we got up off the floor from laughing, we agreed that was definitely NOT the way to get our message across.
It was about then that I found the article on Tamoxifen, entitled:
"When Lowering the Odds of Cancer Isn’t Enough"
So.. let's play a game. Let's pretend that I arrive at your front door. I offer you a pill that you take just once and I guarantee that you'll never get cancer. Even though you don't know me, you are excited. You call your partner away from the TV where he is immersed in a beer and a game of football. I wait patiently at the door. You now have a grumpy husband detaching himself from the couch and you are wondering what you are going to say to him. Suddenly you realise you haven't asked the price. "Quick," you say to me. "How much is the pill?"
"Cheap." I say. ""Twenty thousand dollars."
I'm not going to continue the story. I'd love you to fill it the gaps with a few replies below.
Of course, you are going to want proof of the pill's efficacy. And I have a 10,000 subject double-blind randomised study in my hand. The pill DOES work.
So you tell me how you convince your partner. And while you are at it, maybe you could take a look at what you put in the way of your own preventative health strategy.
And while we are on the subject, here's one amazing story of what one brother did for another, and what effect his computer program has had one thousands of people.
In terms of health protection, let's get down and dirty. The plain truth is that the vast majority of us just don't spend money on a FUTURE health problem. 'Lip service' is the best term I can give to encompass our general attitudes. If we are flush with cash, we pay a company to pick up the pieces when we go off the rails, but that's the extent of it. We don't really have an ongoing planned preventative strategy. In one sense, paying into a fund gives us the go-ahead to forget about our lack of a daily health preventative plan.
I was given a taste of this last week. I was asked to present our water alkalizers to a very big media company that sells interesting products to the public. Even though I talked about alkalizing, about the ongoing acidification of the body, the increased immunity and all of the other benefits alkaline ionized water may have to an individual, my contact sat there, stonyfaced.
Eventually he spoke. "How much is the filter when it needs replacing?" I told him. "Too much. Most water filters are much less."
It was only when we concluded the meeting that I got what was happening. I suggested he take our sample unit, drink the water for a month and see the effect it had on his own health.
"I wouldn't do that. I smoke, I drink, and I don't do 'health' things. Maybe my wife might be interested."
Suddenly it dawned on me that this man just couldn't even come close to a personal health evaluation. His lifestyle was so important to him that he had dismissed all future as unimportant. Now, as we all know, many of us do the same. And all of us feel the remorse and the anger when our body finally gives out under the strain of the accumulated neglect.
But really, how could I judge him? That extra glass of wine, that extra handful of nuts, that lazy day with no exercise.. it's all one and the same; a conscious or unconscious decision to ignore the future.
Discussing it with Cassie later, we wondered if we were barking up the wrong tree trying to assist people to create a prevtative health culture in their life. Maybe, Cassie suggested, we should tell people that they can eat more, drink more, couch-surf more... if they just alkalise. After we got up off the floor from laughing, we agreed that was definitely NOT the way to get our message across.
It was about then that I found the article on Tamoxifen, entitled:
"When Lowering the Odds of Cancer Isn’t Enough"
So.. let's play a game. Let's pretend that I arrive at your front door. I offer you a pill that you take just once and I guarantee that you'll never get cancer. Even though you don't know me, you are excited. You call your partner away from the TV where he is immersed in a beer and a game of football. I wait patiently at the door. You now have a grumpy husband detaching himself from the couch and you are wondering what you are going to say to him. Suddenly you realise you haven't asked the price. "Quick," you say to me. "How much is the pill?"
"Cheap." I say. ""Twenty thousand dollars."
I'm not going to continue the story. I'd love you to fill it the gaps with a few replies below.
Of course, you are going to want proof of the pill's efficacy. And I have a 10,000 subject double-blind randomised study in my hand. The pill DOES work.
So you tell me how you convince your partner. And while you are at it, maybe you could take a look at what you put in the way of your own preventative health strategy.
And while we are on the subject, here's one amazing story of what one brother did for another, and what effect his computer program has had one thousands of people.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Copper Pipes? Rip 'em out!

Yes, yes, I know, everything seems to cause heart disease.. but it says it may also cause Alzheimers'! Now that's not funny; forgetting that you have a dicky heart!
The really nasty bit is the fact that this is cumulative (yes, I've been drinking water from copper pipes for all of my life.. and it gets much worse over 50 years of age.)
Apparently evolution keeps stores of copper and iron in excess during our reproductive years because they are so vital to life. But the oxidant damage from these excess stores of metals builds up as we age, and natural selection ceases to act after about age 50 since diseases after that do not contribute to reproductive fitness.
"The study found people over 50 should also avoid vitamin and mineral pills that contain cooper and iron, lowering meat intake and avoid drinking water from copper pipes.
They should also donate blood regularly to reduce iron levels and taking zinc supplements to lower copper levels.
Copper and iron are essential when people are young as they help during the years when people are trying to have children.

Ouch! The only good news for me personally is my new AlkaPure water ionizer that (yes folks, it's true, it was sheer coincidence!) filters out copper, lead, chlorine, chloramines. fluoride, pharmaceuticals,hormones.... but still give me the important alkaline minerals.
As I wrote this article, Cassie reminded me that our excellent Multivitamins we take daily, especially for my apparently genetic predisposition to poor uptake of Vitamin B, also have copper.
Is any vitamin supplement maker listening? Here's a Boomer formulation WITHOUT COPPER or IRON opportunity.
Learn more about the AlkaPure
Read the report
copper toxicity,
heart disease,
Reverse osmosis
Friday, February 5, 2010
Good News: AlkaBalance is back!

An economical, handy way to alkalize on the run.
See more here
The Strange Story of Henrietta Lacks

Henrietta Lacks did more for the study of cancer and the creation of a polio vaccine than almost anyone on earth. And she died doing it. Check her strange but true story here
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Alkalinity and Brain Power

There are really only 4 alkaline minerals we need be concerned with; magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. Get enough of all of these and you can feel good about future physical health.. which is all well and good as long as your brain still works!
So this is a good news moment about magnesium.
Your mother was right – eating your “greens” (which contain magnesium) is good for you. In fact, according to neuroscientists at MIT and Tsinghua University in Beijing, rats who were fed a new compound that increased their brain magnesium demonstrated enhanced learning abilities, working memory, and short- and long-term memory. The dietary supplement also boosted older rats’ ability to perform a variety of learning tests.
So that's why our new Alkaline Booster is so good, supplying all four of the essentials in one teaspoon dose. Or the AlkaPod, which has magnesium as its primary alkaliser, or any of our water ionizers that concentrate magnesium already in our water and remove nasty acids.. or if you can't get enough leafy greens on a daily basis, our Core Greens concentrated greens powder...
Now here's a little test; what did you just read about? Choose between:
If you answered anything other than magnesium then you need one of these products!
Monday, February 1, 2010
The Asparagus Cancer Cure

This week he has published a very good article on the asparagus theory of cancer cure. The internet, (all hail, bow down and scrape foreheads, please) has certainly revolutionised information accessibility, but it has also revolutionised the ability of urban mythology to propagate.
As Dr Moss points out, there are literally thousands of pages referring to this cure. The reason Dr Moss has written about it is that for the first time ever, a Chinese study has found an ingredient that may have some beneficial effect. Up to this time, despite the thousands of pages on the net, not one study confirmed the vegetable as a cancer remedy.
Here's his report
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