Just look at this. It's a dentistry trainees' dummy.
Why is it that all these sort of things seem to come from Japan? And note how they achieved the lifelike skin and mouth material. They went to people who know: sex doll manufacturers!
I understand that they have the best of intentions but.... just take a look at the sex doll maker's latest innovations. Don't they seem a little er... young?
This report on the EFSA, which is the body that is responsible for assessing European health claims is disturbing to say the least. Sure, I can relate to a body of scientists as this is supposed to be taking scant notice of people like you and me, no matter how many signatures are on our petitions.
But when I see them taking no notice whatsoever of scientists who have spent most of their working lives proving what they are talking about, those conspiracy theories appear more real.
And of course, Australian authorities have already agreed to become a part of the Codex system from which this stems; the only reason we haven't taken it up is New Zealand's insistence on getting more information before making their decision and signing on to a Trans-Tasman treaty. God bless the Kiwis.