The US FDA has in its infinite wisdom, OK'd a new drug that.. wait for it.. lengthens eyelashes!
Scientific American reports:
The active ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost, a compound derived from fatty acids that bind to receptors in the eyelashes that may be involved in the development and re-growth of hair follicles. Allergan has used bimatoprost since 2001 in Lumigan, an Rx eye drop that lowers eye pressure in people with glaucoma. (Glaucoma is a disease that may cause vision loss from damage to the optic nerve if too much pressure builds up in the eye.) The company began studying the potential of using a lower dose of topical bimatoprost to stimulate eyelash growth after Lumigan users developed unusually lush lashes. It's specifically being marketed as a once-a-day med to treat eyelash hypotrichosis, or lack of hair growth.