Thursday, September 15, 2011

Study shows millions of Americans get sick every year from contaminated water

WASHINGTON — Most people judge water on how it looks, but just because it looks OK does not mean it is good to drink, according to a press release.
Studies done on contaminated groundwater show millions of Americans get sick every year thanks to waterborne viruses, parasites and bacteria in our water today, stated the release.
“One of the biggest myths about water is that if it looks good, smells good and tastes OK, then it is safe to drink,” said Larry Wardell, who writes for, a provider of water distiller systems that supplies truly pure distilled water. “Unfortunately, that is not true. Many of the pollutants in our water cannot be seen, tasted or smelled, and frankly that makes them even more dangerous because we have no warning. We just assume that it is safe because it has been through a filtration plant. Filtration plant or not, your water is not safe to drink. Pretty much the only way to ensure you do have safe water is to use water filters.”

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