Monday, September 19, 2011

Arsenic: It's your problem.

Can we blame anyone if our water is laced with nasties? Not if it's on our property. This week the NT Government checked water from two bores in the Lake Bennet area and found it had TWENTY times the recommended levels of arsenic. The Minister in charge of nasties in water said (correctly in my book) that it is residents responsibility to check their own water sources regularly. 

However the test alone can cost up to a thousand dollars form a good laboratory. The problem lies in the fact that you have to perform tests for each contaminant and most labs charge per test. The likelihood of a different contaminant getting past simply because it wasn't tested is high, especially now we are seeing thinks like pharmaceuticals showing up in groundwater. At $1000 a year, they would be better investing in the very best filtration system money can buy and to hell with the tests.

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