Monday, October 8, 2007

Why Adidosis Ages Us

We all hear that excess acid in our system ages us. Few of us ask why this is so.
I get very excited about - because the cells produce the proteins required for cellular repair. They can't repair themselves, as so they age. It's so basic.

Of course acidosis also weakens all of the body's organs. They don't do the job they were given by 'team body' and so they let down the next (also dysfunctional) organ in the chain of functional command. Acidosis also diminishes proper cognitive and mental function. The latest German research also says that our energy reserves are also reduced under an acidic environment.

Ever wondered why we lose muscle as we age? Sure, the old adage 'use it or lose it' is still true; a couch potato only has a good thumb muscle from using the remote, but did you know that acidic people actually eat their own muscles to manufacture glutamine, which is then used to make ammonia, an alkali resorted to when nothing else is availabLE to neutralize acids!


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